National Enterprise Credit Rating Certificate
Cooperation with Wuhan Huazhong University
2020-05-07We wanted to provide you with an update in regard to COVID-19 outbreak. As of Wednesday 4/1, we have increased the workforce to 100%. We are following guidelines by taking temperature and disinfecting offices and dormitories with 75° alcohol once a day. We are proud to report that there will be no interruption to the service we provide to you! There are also no changes to the way you contact us. You may follow up with the status of your order or place new orders via info@ybnm.cn or give us a call at 0532-68093596. The COVID-19 is completely under control in China. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and we will make any adjustments to our plan as necessary. Thank you for your attention to this notification and for your business with Yuanbang New Material. Please continue to stay safe and healthy while we all work through this together.
Liu yejun
President, Yuanbang New Material