Yuanbang New Material



China Plastic Association PVC Rigid and Foamed Products Professional Committee

2023 Annual Conference on Technology and Marketing Exchange On October 20, the opening ceremony of the 2023 Annual Conference on technology and market exchange of China Plastics Association PVC Rigid […]

Craftsmanship spirit for high quality, Abundant strengths for future – Factory tour with international customers

Welcome Indian customers to visit our factory-(conduct a factory visit ) Shandong Yuanbang New Material Co,.Ltd. The high quality of PVC Processing Aids,excellent services and good reputation are the important […]

Yuanbang New Material participates in China International Plastics Exhibition in Nanjing

China International Plastics Exhibition opened in Nanjing, on Nov 11th, 2020. At the invitation of China Plastic Processing Industry Association, Liu Hanqing, Director and Deputy General Manager...

President of CPPIA Visits Yuanbang New Material

On the morning of Sep. 26th, President of China Plastics Processing Industry Association (CPPIA) Mr. Zhu, vice president Mr. Wang, and general secretary Mr. Zhou visited Yuanbang New Material accompanied by our chairman of the board Mr. Liu.